10/7/2020 Update of the action steps the County is taken on our Bridges

The following update was just released from the County on the step they are taken on our Bridges.

Commissioners, et al.:

The County staff, the County’s consultant designing the replacement bridge for Bimini and the other bridges, and the FDOT inspectors are doing several things now on an accelerated basis.  They are:

1.       Expediting issuance of the bid package for the replacement of Bimini bridge (County & its consultant).

2.       Evaluating  alternatives  to strengthen  the Bimini bridge  to increase its interim load capacity (County and its consultant).

3.       Evaluating how a temporary bridge could be placed if strengthening is not feasible.

4.        Performing detailed bridge load rating calculations using the inspection data to see if the weekend limitation can be increased safely (FDOT inspector and County’s consultant). We expect results within the next few days.

5.       Working with the utilities (FKEC, FKAA, Marathon Garbage) to develop interim plans for dealing with the limitations (County staff and utilities) (more information below below)

There are a number of possible roads forward, all of which we are following in parallel. 

The detailed devaluation of the bridge might yield some relief and we expect that will be ready within a week. 

If the evaluation of strengthening says we can get sufficient increase in interim load capacity, we estimate that could be implemented in something like 2 months.  This could include one way restrictions with temporary traffic controls

If strengthening is not an option, we may have to install a temporary bridge.  How and how fast are not yet clear.  I will share more information on this as it develops.


The Solid Waste Director and Marathon Garbage are developing an interim plan to deploy dumpsters on some strategic locations to which residents could bring their waste.  This is a work in progress.

Emergency electric, water, and wastewater repairs.  The utilities can make emergency crossings with their equipment to make emergency repairs to services.  We have discussed with FKEC the possible temporary storage of heavy equipment on the island to avoid multiple emergency crossings.  That option is on hold pending evaluation of the effectiveness of the strengthening option.

Fire / Ambulance Service:  Fire trucks and ambulances will make emergency crossings as needed to respond to emergencies.


We have had a number of people ask why the big change since Friday.  The history is that the inspections were conducted in August 2018, March 2019, March 2019, September 2020, and most recently this last weekend.  In 2018 load restrictions were imposed reducing the Bimini bridge to 26 tons.  The March 2019 and March 2020 inspections did not impose any further reductions.  The inspections this month were our first indication of significant further deterioration. 



Kevin G. Wilson, P.E.

Assistant County Administrator

Cell 305-797-1547

Office 305-453-8788

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10/9/2020 Bimini Bridge Update from Monroe County Bimini Bridge has been upgraded to a 9 ton weight restriction limit.


Duck Key Bridge Weight Restrictions Revised 10/5/2020