10/9/2020 Bimini Bridge Update from Monroe County Bimini Bridge has been upgraded to a 9 ton weight restriction limit.

All DKPOA Members

10/9/2020 Bimini Bridge Update from Monroe County   Bimini Bridge has been upgraded to a 9 ton weight restriction limit.

Commissioners (by bcc:), et al.:

We have received an update of the analysis of the Bimini bridge load rating.  The preliminary revision is that we should post the bridge with a gross vehicle weight limit of 9 TONS.  We are revising the signage and instructions to the staff and deputies on site of this change.  This limit was just confirmed by FDOT pending a series of reviews at FDOT.  This still does not raise the rating to a level that will support garbage trucks or concrete trucks but  some delivery trucks should fall within that limit.  We are providing weight certifications at the Long Key transfer station at no cost for vehicles that are unsure if they fit within the load rating.


Our plan is to continue to move ahead with temporary strengthening on the north side of the bridge.  This will be used for traffic while the other side is replaced in the first phase of the replacement project.  The county’s consultant is reviewing the load rating calculations.  They will then do design/load rating of the proposed repair (strengthening) before they can tell us what the ultimate load will be with the repair project implemented.  We will provide updates as soon as more information is available.



Kevin G. Wilson, P.E.

Assistant County Administrator

Cell 305-797-1547

Office 305-453-8788

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