Speed Enforcement Increasing on Duck Key

Speeding has increased on the streets and bridges of Duck Key. Monroe County Sheriff Office is going to to do something about it.

Increased enforcement of speed limits on Duck Key has already begun. The Monroe County Sheriff Office has recently clocked speeders going as high as 50 MPH on Bimini Drive. Duck Key has a lot of pedestrain, bike and golf cart traffic. It is only a matter of time before speeding causes a tragedy here on the island. The Duck Key Security District Advisory Board has been working with county and sheriff officals to come up with a plan to decrease speeds. Stop signs, lights and speed bumps have all been considered, but each can create issues of their own. DKSDAB along with the Sheriff Office has decided to try increased enforcement of the speed limits to discourage speeding on the island.

This is a WARNING; speeding on Duck Key will not be tolerated by the sheriff deputies. All Duck Key Bridges have a speed limit of 10 MPH, all Duck Key streets have an 25 MPH speed limit on them. Speed at your own risk. The safety of residents, family, friends and visitors is not worth getting home 1 minute earlier. Slow Down, Buckle Up and Arrive Alive.


Annual DKPOA General Member Meeting Scheduled for March 15


Duck Key's Residents Make a Difference at Island Clean Up in Support of Worldwide Earth Day Events