Letter from the President

Happy New Year!!!  As I write this note I ask where has another year gone? The DKPOA board has been very busy since our 2012 annual meeting.  Members of our board have requested that I share with you what has occurred over the last 12 months.  Many of you do realize, having served on our homeowners association, that there are countless issues we deal with. However, some residents and property owners may not have any conception. 

When I assumed the position of president last January, I felt it necessary to add additional board members.  The board consists of the following members: JoAnn Orr-Treasurer, Mary Salinger-Secretary, Doris Bicknell-Assistant Secretary, Jerry Forte-Beautification, Laura Goodman-Flood Zones and Membership, Jim Boback-Regulations and Codes, Roger Marriott and Bob McCormick-Sewers, John Shebel-Insurance and Regulatory, Brian Lancaster-Newsletter, Website, and Facebook .  Our board met every month this year (excluding August) either here on the island or by telephone conference.  Here are some of the issues and results that were addressed.

  1. Review of the By-Laws and approval at the DKPOA Annual Meeting

  2. Meetings with the homeowners & FKAA on sewer and gray water usage; questions and concerns.

  3. Establishment of a 10 % discount for DKPOA Membership at Hawks Cay for use in restaurants and spa. New customers for landscape maintenance for 3 months receive 25% discount through Christian’s Landscape.

  4. Beautification committee is working with the Aqueduct Authority to allow plantings around the newly installed lift stations.

  5. Meeting with Commissioner Rice with respect to security, canal dredging, infrastructure of our bridges, screening of the sewer piping on these bridges, county property taxes, EMT and fire protection,illegal weekly rentals.

  6. Welcome Back Party

  7. Buoys and Wake Zone Signage-replacement and repairs

  8. Replacement of old island signage forthcoming upon completion of sewer update

  9. Preparing budget. Creating a long term plan on how we now will use the funds from our dues to beautify the island, upon completion of the sewer construction.

  10. Reestablish the island wide clean up date.  Scheduled for Saturday March 16th.  Mark your calendars!  More details coming.

  11. Website Updating

  12. Meetings with Duck Key Security Board President Tom Neville regarding break ins on the island and camera installation

These were some of the projects we continue to work on in your behalf.  Please plan to attend our Annual Meeting February 17th at 4:00PM. We have a great number of topics to cover.

Thank you to our board members, as they have all worked very hard in your behalf.  Please take the time to thank them for their service.


Dave Williamson
DKPOA President


Casino Night at Club Duck Key


Welcome Back Party