Help Us Stop the Road Privatization at the end of West Seaview Dr.

All Duck Key Residents

Once again, there is an application filed with the County Commission to privatize a public road on Duck Key, this time the west end of West Seaview Drive as shown in the attached picture. This application was filed in January, and we have only now been made aware of it. The application will go to a public session of the County Commission, yet to be scheduled. It is critical and we strongly encourage all owners to register their position on the privatization of roads with the Commission by sending an email to our commissioner David Rice, and all other commissioners, and/or by attending the meeting when it gets scheduled. Due to Covid-19, this meeting may be held via a conference call. The Duck Key Property Owners Association is on record with the Commission as being unanimously opposed to road privatization. The DKPOA position is that road privatization limits residents freedom of movement on the Island and access to ocean views, that it damages the uniformity of our community, that it creates areas that lack proper maintenance, and that it is fundamentally unfair to all when the county freely transfers valuable land to a few landowners. Moreover, privatizing the West Seaview Drive cul-e-sac will create a problem for nearby homeowners as cars may be turning around using their driveways when they reach the blocked roadway. Please come out in force on this issue by contacting all of the BOCC. Please email your opposition directly to the BOCC. They do not have viewing rights to NextDoor comments and they will not be recorded as opposition. Email addresses are... This is a defining moment for our community!!! The only way to stop this is for each resident to send an opposition email or letter so our community voice is clearly heard.Thank you for your support.

The DKPOA Board of Directors:Ron Oestreicher, John Schwartz, Chris Waddill, Jan Anderson, Barbara McKinney, Michael Solomon, Ellen Tanis, John Wolfe

Here is a simple sample of an email your welcome to use.  David Rice and all the BOCC Commissioners,

As a resident of Duck Key I am emailing you to tell you all I am very concerned about an application with the County Commission to privatize another public road on Duck Key, this time on the west end of West Seaview Drive.

I am extremely against the privatization of any roads in Duck Key and am asking you all to vote AGAINST allowing this road privatization.

This would limit residents of Duck Key freedom of movement on the Island and access to ocean views, it damages the uniformity of our community,  it creates areas that lack proper maintenance, and it is fundamentally unfair to all when the County freely transfers valuable land to a few landowners.

I hope you will consider my views, thank you for your consideration in advance.

Your Name

Your Address

Crain-Furber image004.png

Road Abandonment Application has been withdrawn !!!!!! Thank you for your support.


DKPOA Annual Clean Up Day March 14, 2020