DKPOA Annual General Member Meeting Scheduled for March 12

D.K.P.O.A. will be holding their Annual General Member Meeting Sunday March 12, 2017 at Club Duck Key. The meeting will start a 4:00 PM so please arrive early to sign in. Club Duck Key is located a 100 San Jaun Street on Center Island. 

This years meeting will have a full agenda with President David Williamson, the entire Board and Committee Chairs present to update members on subjects such as finanicals, current and future projects, island beautification, safety issue & concerns along with discussions on the future direction of the organization. We would like to have as many members present as possible to get a better understanding of our members wants and needs going down the road.

Please make time if possible to attend this years meeting. We desire as much input as we can get for our membership because this is your organization and your island. We cannot run this organization the way you desire if we do not have your input. We look forward to seeing you there and we will work together to make Duck Key a wonderful place to live. 


Replacing Duck Key's Bridges


Volunteers Needed: Island Clean Up on January 28