Boat Fuel Deliveries not allowed over our affected Bridges 10/15/20

Fuel deliveries for your Boats. I have been asked if boat fuel delivery trucks will be allowed to deliver fuel. I am sorry to say that they are much heavier then the bridge weight restrictions of 9 tons. I do not believe they will be allowed across our bridges for the foreseeable future. Rec 90 gas is available at Duck Key Marina at the current price of $3.25/gal. Note that they close 1/2 day on Tuesday and all day Wednesday. Hawks Cay open 7 days a week from 7 am to 5 pm also sells Rec 90 with a current price of $3.80. They also sell diesel which is currently priced at $2.37


Monroe Webpage for Duck Key Issues has been established


DKPOA will provide a Landscape ONLY waste pick up this Wednesday 10/14/20