DKPOA Annual Member Meeting Recap

A good number of D.K.P.O.A. members attended the Annual Member Meeting on Sunday February 16 at Club Duck Key. D.K.P.O.A. President Davis Williamson, the Board and Committee Chairs had presentations prepared for the membership.

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The meeting start with the approval of last years minutes, financial report and approval of the 2014 budget. Committee Chairs spoke on issue such as; the waste water project, reclaimed water changes, island beautification, membership, communications and street signage. President Williamson handed out a questionnaire to attending members with a list of projects that could be done over the next couple of years. He asked the membership to rank the projects in order of importance so the board could but a plan together using memberships guidance. Membership questions were addressed throughout the meeting. When all business was conducted, the meeting was adjourned.

Special thanks to all that attended this years meeting, Club Duck Key and all the board members for all their hard work going forward.


DKPOA Member Survey on Duck Key Projects Posted


The Pitbull of Blues Band