2020 Member Letter

Dear Duck Key Resident,

We hope that 2019 has been a happy and healthy year for you and your family. We greatly thank all of the DKPOA current members for their support with financial donations and volunteer work in 2019.

2019 has been a year of enormous development and growth on the Islands. In addition to the continuing repairs of hurricane damage, there are an unprecedented number of new homes being built and new neighbors joining our community. We look forward to welcoming each new family to Duck Key.

With your 2019 DKPOA member donations we gained permission from both Monroe County and the Duck Key property owners and planted 225 New Triple Montgomery Palm Trees in the right of way in front of unimproved lots to create neater, greener and more pleasant street views around the Island. Island gardens were enhanced and new property owners received a DKPOA welcome gift. We have also redesigned and built a new DKPOA website launching today for your convenience. This website now consolidates important Duck Key information, history and events which will enhance our communication to each member. Please take a few minutes and explore at https://duckkeypoa.squarespace.com/. Send us an email at dkresident@gmail.com and tell us what you think. Additional pictures of community events are also welcome and will be added.

Additionally your board managed and completed the canal dredging project during 2019. This five-year project, funded 100% by 87 Duck Key property owners who generously donated $420,800 independently from the DKPOA membership donations, ensured that our canals remain free-flowing and the most pristine in the Keys. We all owe a very special Thank You to the 87 donors representing all of our islands. There were waterfront, non-water front and empty lot property owners on Duck Key that made this project a reality!

For 2020, we will be continuing the tree planting program and the ongoing beautification of the island with the planting of gardens as funds permit. We will also liaison with the County on the upcoming reconstruction of our bridges and code compliance issues throughout Duck Key. DKPOA membership discounts also remain.

We are enclosing our 2020 membership application and member survey and hope that we can count on your support. In 2019 we raised $60470 from our membership and beautification donations. We have set a goal to increase membership 10% in 2020. This goal can only be achieved with all of your support, so please send us your application and donation today so we can continue to Beautify Duck Key. Remember, your contributions are 100% federally tax deductible. (DKCB dba DKPOA is a non-profit 501c3 IRS EIN 47-3292711)

Please mark your calendars for our Annual Membership General Meeting on February 1, 2020, at Club Duck Key on San Juan Street. The meeting will run from 1pm to 3pm.

We wish 2020 to be a healthy and prosperous year for all our residents.


The DKPOA Board
David Williamson, President; Christine Waddill, Secretary; Ron Oestreicher, Treasurer; Barbara McKinney, John Schwarz, Ellen Tanis, John Wolfe, Directors.


New DKPOA Website


2018 DKPOA Annual Meeting Presentation 1/27/19